RP-lizer: link
zMUD scripts by me: download link
- Map scripts: Find Room, Sync, FleeDline
Targetting script
Travel script
Status Bar
5/15 alting aid
Logging script
Narrates and Tells window
Receipts and Tickets
Misspam Counter
CMUD scripts by me: download link (discontinued, may or may not be out of date)
Map configuration instructions: link
Charbal's spinning timer: download link
Making zMUD's Help work in Windows 7: download link
Notice vs Hide testing data from 2010 (still valid AFAIK): link
zMUD note:
Be sure to install my zMUD scripts
- into the latest zMUD version, 7.21
- remember to turn off wordwrap before copying, if opening the text files in Notepad.
- Install the Find Room script by copy-pasting it into the command line, NOT by using the import function. (Can do it either way with other scripts).
People coming to me with problems after ignoring these instructions will hear some choice words regarding their intelligence, appearance, and sexual preferences.
CMUD note:
My scripts were written on CMUD 2.37. It seems the current version is 3.34, but I no longer use CMUD so no idea what works and what doesn't. Use at your own risk.
Update: apparently they work.