Upcoming Global: Friday, Feb 27
Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 2:58 pm
Postby Elodin ยป Wed Feb 18, 2015 12:34 pm
Welcome to the new boards!
It has been posted on Facebook and likely will be again, but cross-posting here for reference as well. We'll be running a global quest Friday the 27th, beginning at 7:30 pm eastern time (that is, 30 minutes after reboot). While it will be the same in many ways as other globals you have done in the past, we have also changed some things in response to some of the most frequent complaints about globals: the time involved and only getting rewarded if you happen to be at the end. The quest will be open and running live all weekend, so even if you miss the initial run-through, you can still do the quest if you have time this weekend. Only the opening run-through will load the typical rewards for a global, but there will still be significant rewards throughout the weekend. Furthermore, we have tried to account for people who only have a limited window to play here and there - you can do the quest one section at a time and still get full rewards. Anyways, hopefully this new template will work well and we can use it in the future.
The quest was written in large part by myself and Elysia, but all Immortals have helped in various ways so be sure to let them know if you enjoy the quest (or tell us why you didn't, if you don't - feedback is always good). This will be open to all sides and characters of all persuasions and we are anticipating a large turnout - see you all on quest day!